Support this site!
Donations are welcome and appreciated! They will keep me motivated to continue improving this site with new tools and information. If I get enough subscribers, I may be able to set up dedicated cloud services, to create even more dynamic content! Imagine how cool that would be!

Dae's Deal
Don't let Dae be the
only one to buy my love!
per month
❤❤ Thank you for your support! ❤❤

Neri's car payment
Make my car payment for me...
Ok even I feel this is a bit greedy, but hey it's your money.
per month
❤❤ Thank you for your support! ❤❤

Once Upon a Time
Donate as much as you
like as often as you like!
❤❤ Thank you for your support! ❤❤

❤❤ Thank you for your support! ❤❤
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If your payment method is not supported, contact me on discord, and I will see what I can do.